Guess the FUNCTION of the THING


LG C100 Cheese Fridge. Chuck it in through the top swing lid, take it out of the bottom and apply to/put between toast when needed. Red one comes with a curved bottom for safely controlling tricky edams. Yellow operative available by special arrangement with local supplier.

May 6, 2013 in Promotional photography


  1. Why does the red one not qualify for low energy consumption? Is the red color generated by burning the skin of users? Poppycock!

    Though, to be fair, the yellow one did not earn a low-consumption rating either.

  2. I think you’ll find that it’s a ball-bag buffer.

    Simply dangle your man purse through the top and marvel as the oscillating flannel hidden within buffs your bag to a shiny sheen.

  3. Feral Techie

    New line of compact jet engines / garbage disposals. She’s telling the audience to get in there like the pieces of garbage they are.

  4. This is inexpressibly sublime.

    The fact that there is only one knee is immaterial.

    The upper-arm skin-flap is mildly repulsive, sure.

    But the only thing that matters is the NEAR-KNEE UPPER-THIGH BRUISING

    Oh Christ Heaven Lord Savior Jesus Shepherd Fisherman Almighty, this has expanded immeasurably even my own jaded capacity to appreciate the female form.

    Any higher-resolution images of the leg immediately above the knee would be infinitely appreciated. Infinitely. In internet-appreciations.

  5. Am I the only one to notice this shot has been taken on the Titanic? And it is sinking.

  6. HorseBurgers

    That’s not a smile, it’s an evil sneer. She’s just about to say “These fucking beer fridges you ‘insisted’ on buying and just left in the middle of the floor just bruised my knee, you worthless pack of shit!”, then gouge your eyes out with those nails.

  7. Wait, are áll replies going to to be original, inventive and witty from now on? Where are the days when you could just fall back on listing whether you ‘would’ or ‘wouldn’t’ fuck the respective objects / women in the picture.

    I can’t keep up with these new standards, guys.

    Also, wouldn’t, wouldn’t, wouldn’t, would.

    • Feral Techie

      Ooh, get you with your high standards.

      Would, probably already have but I was drunk and don’t remember for sure, would, would.

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    • Meredith -where did you buy these fantastic sheets? I’ve been looking all around the stores and have found nothing that compares to these. I seem to find all solid colors and no patterns. Did you have to buy a full set of sheets or did you guy this sheet as a single flat sheet? Thanks for the infoLinda

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