Gadgets with FACES and even ARMS and STUFF #240: Singing Machine ISM1030BT


Could deliver the nearest thing any of us get to a cuddle this Christmas, plus with a bit of effort and some leftover turkey it might be possible to do pretend sex to hole #5 of the speakers. The bass throb could be “her” heart beat.


December 10, 2015 in Gadgets with FACES


  1. Extra points for unconvincingly photoshopped display contents.

    Heart beat? What would you want one of them for?

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  2. Whoa! Obviously some kind of murderous robot. Steer clear of any robots with “and I’ll survive, I will survive, hey hey” on it’s display. That’s just common sense.

  3. That’s pretty much what a PR guru for LG once said of their flat screen TVs. Off the record of course.

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