#1 would
#2 would
#3 would
#4 would
#5 would
#6 would
#7 would
#8 would
#9 wouldn’t
#10 would
#11 would
#12 would
#13 wouldn’t
#14 would
#15 would
#16 would
I like how you mention juxtaposing and then don’t.
“Blink=Activity” is a bit racist, no?
XHTML: These are some of the tags you can use: <a href=""> <b> <blockquote> <code> <em> <i> <strike> <strong>
Battery feeling strangely demoralised. Shutting down.
In my day we didn’t have this “auto negotiating ports” nonsense. You negotiated well before you got to see any ports, never mind insert anything into them. Where was I again?